Monika Schwarz-Friesel & Jan-Henning Kromminga:
“9/11 als globale Katastrophe: Die sprachlich-kognitive Verarbeitung des 11. September 2001 in der Berichterstattung deutscher Medien”. Eine Analyse im Rahmen der kritischen Kognitionslinguistik

In this article, it is described from a cognitive linguistics point of view how the attacks of September 11th in 2001 are covered verbally in media discourse, and more specifically, what role the use of metaphors plays in grasping and explaining the event. Based on an extensive corpus study which comprises data from German newspapers, it is shown that in this discourse the concept of CATASTROPHE is dominant. Specific metaphors are used to cope with feelings of vulnerability and the dimension of irrational disbelief. It is explained that the discourse on the catastrophe of 9/11 can only be understood by taking into account the interaction of cognitive and emotional evaluations.
