Kerstin Schwabe & Robert Fittler:
Über semantische Konsistenzbedingungen deutscher Matrixprädikate (Teil 2)

Previous accounts addressing the question what semantic properties of a matrix pre­dicate determine the possible clau­­se type of the embedded clause have not provided a ge­neral answer (e.g. Grimshaw 1979, Zifonun et al. 1997, Ginz­­­burg & Sag 2000). This paper proposes that clau­se-embedding predicates fulfill characteristic logical con­di­tions, so-called consistency conditions, which rule the syntactic potential of the matrix clau­se: for instan­ce, the clau­se type of the embedded clause (declarative, ob– and/or wh-inter­ro­ga­tive) and the cor­­relate type, the matrix predicate can co-occur with (es and/or ProPP). Fur­thermore, they pre­­dict the logical forms of legitimate constructions with embedded ob– or wh-inter­rogatives, respectively, and how a legitimate optional cor­relate modifies the meaning of the ma­­trix predicate.
